This Abandoned McMansion is Only 10 Years Old!!

On this expansive piece of land, there was once a ranch-style house that was very similar in appearance to the homes in the surrounding area a little more than ten years ago. It was purchased, and then it was broken up into two distinct lots. This particular home was only inhabited for a total of ten years before the property was sold once more with the intention of tearing it down in order to make way for a brand new sprawling townhouse community.
The two brand new custom McMansions that were constructed in its place were lived in during that time. Before the remainder of this deserted mansion is leveled, the property’s current owners, a group of developers, have been working diligently to salvage any and all materials that are worthy of being kept.
I can honestly say that before to today, I never in my life imagined that I would ever get the opportunity to go inside of such a contemporary home, nor did I ever believe that such a recent building would ever be torn down…but here we are!